Arriving on the Tender to Great Stirrup Cay STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT NEFF

Dec 25, 2016. On board Norwegian Sky for a XMAS 2016 cruise to the Bahama. We took a tender to and from the island.

Paved walkways take you to the beach area.

Leaving the Island

Tenders are handicap accessible

Water jets clean the sand off the shoes and fee.

Great name for a barge!

Heading for the Norwegian Sky

Seas were rough and felt like a fun roller coaster ride

Tenders returning to pick up more passengers.

Norwegian Sky is in sight.

Enjoy more stories and images of what I get to enjoy everyday!

Purchase Robert Neff's Photography online at Saatachi Art, Adobe Stock Photography and Fotolia. If you see a photograph that is not there, let me know. I can add the image.

Venice, Italy. 2007

Condo Seniors and Driving The Divas are trademarks registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Created By
Robert Neff


Copyright ©2016 Robert Neff. All Rights Reserved.

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