Life of a Lens Quinn Fitzgerald

I'm a lover of street photography before all else, and a high school student as well(although sometimes I like to try and forget that part). This may all sound ridiculous coming from a 17 year old, but I promise, with whatever value my word holds, that I do mean what I say in this.

I really wish I could say that photography has been a long commitment of mine, but it's only really been a couple of years now. Although I can say for certain that it's my favorite obsession that I've yet to experience. The others comprising of various card games, and oh so many video games. For a brief period of time it was playing the bassoon, and painting. But I have arrived, today, at photography, and I am, without a doubt, obsessed( because if I'm gonna be a nerd of any kind, I'm gonna do it right). So, as I have little knowledge of how to write anything like this, I shall now proceed to simply post photos, and explain the often strange stories that accompany them. I hope you enjoy them.

Little Red Riding Hood

During mid-winter break (yes, that's an actual break in high school) I caught a bus downtown to take some photos. I went immediately to my favorite spot in downtown, Pike Place Market. There, standing next to the glorious metal pig statue, was this man, who was singing and playing the guitar. Although, he didn't really seem to be forming actual words in his song, he still sounded good. I gave him a dollar, and asked if I could take his photo. He, however, seemed unaware of my existence, and finished his song, then shouting "Any Requests?!" Hearing no requests, he screamed "Here comes Red Riding Hood" and then proceeded to play the same song. Naturally, I nodded my head, crouched down and took my photo.

Created By
Quinn Fitzgerald


Quinn Fitzgerald

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