It's Blog Time!!!! FHS ENGLISH iii

Question 1: What is a blog?

Regularly updated website

Typically run by individual or small group (by YOU)

Written informally or conversationally

Keeps track of written thoughts, ideas, etc.

Why, of all things, are we going to start a blog?

A blog allows you a place to put thoughts, opinions

Allows you to be you. Allows you to express yourself

Helps practice fluency and ability to communicate

Keeps track of written/tech projects

Allows us to see our improvement - or how we've changed

Some colleges offer scholarships just for blogging!

What are we going to blog about?

That depends almost entirely on you!

I'll provide prompts at the beginning... but these will soon become optional

How long will we blog in this class?

You will be required to write one blog post a week.

Time will be allotted on Monday to write - the blog must be completed by friday (if absent)

Okay... But how will it be graded?

2 Assignments will be graded while you are blogging

1st Assignment : The weekly blog

4 points will be rewarded each week if the following 3 things are met

A. 2 points for completion

B. 1 point for thoughtfulness

C. 1 point for relevant title

2nd Assignment: Writing Improvement

At the end of the semester, you will pull your first entry and your final entry - and you will comment on how your writing has/has not improved.

Other Requirements

You will be required to follow classmates on WordPress

You will be required to customize your blog page

Let's get started!


Created with images by Venturist - "blog" • markusspiske - "office home office creative" • kaboompics - "man reading touchscreen" • christophe.benoit74 - "Blog" • edar - "diary ipad to write" • - "Blog" • yourschantz - "blog blogger blogging" • MiraDeShazer - "typewriter keyboard type" • albertogp123 - "MPj04386780000[1]" • edar - "diary ipad to write" • Hey Paul Studios - "Blog Brainstorming" • PIX1861 - "notebook netbook keys" • yourschantz - "typewriter desk leave" • 27707 - "wordpress hand logo" • edar - "coffee coffee mug pen" • congerdesign - "book book gift by heart" • DKrue - "old books font paper" • topgold - "Design Thinking with Ciara Doyle" • Pexels - "coder computer connection" • Pexels - "apple computer iphone" • storebukkebruse - "Zahnspange Tragezeiten Notizen" • bfishadow - "Seventh Day the Book" • Prairiekittin - "book76" • jarmoluk - "document agreement documents" • DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library"

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