Augmenting the deficient ridge by Dr. john tsourounakis

This patient presented with a failed 4-unit bridge and non-restorable bridge abutments. A significant horizontal ridge deficiency was noted at the pontic sites.

Both abutment teeth were extracted, and a knife-edge ridge was noted upon flap elevation.

Intra-marrow penetrations were done to prepare the recipient bed.

The deficient ridge was augmented with Freeze-Dried Bone allograft.

The graft was covered with an absorbable collagen membrane.

A non-absorbable d-PTFE Ti-reinforced mebrane was used for better space maintenance.

The flaps were released to achieve primary closure.

The sutures were removed after two weeks.

The healing was uneventful. No membrane exposure or any signs of infection were noted.

Following 6 months of healing significant augmentation was noted.

Upon membrane removal, adequate bone volume was noted for dental implant placement

Two Nobel Replace CC, PMC implants 4.3 x 10.0mm were placed with an insertion torque of >35N/cm.

Augmenting the deficient ridge

by John Tsourounakis DDS, MS, FRCDC, Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology

Southwest Specialty Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Created By
John Tsourounakis

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