Good Life at the Florida Museum of Natural History Charles Anthofer

Nature on Display

This exhibit is appealing to me because of its sheer size and the fact that it is the first thing you see when you enter the museum. The history of extinct creatures that used to roam the Earth interests me and the actual size in person i wouldn't be able to know without seeing this exhibit.
I also really enjoyed the butterfly garden and this picture is right before you enter the garden. I never would have known the vast expanse of types of butterfly without seeing this exhibit, it was incredible. I haven't seen as many butterfly's as I have in the garden.

Nature and Ethics

This exhibit about endangered sea turtles really opened my eyes to how much more we should focus on protecting the environment and really appreciating the living things that we endanger. The people i was able to go to the museum with reacted the same way that I did to a certain extent. We all agreed how we should appreciate nature more and really focus on protecting wildlife. I honestly feel like I now have an obligation to appreciate nature after seeing exhibits like this sea turtle exhibit.

Nature and Human Spirit

This native American exhibit is one of the few exhibits in the museum that revolve around humans and I think it shows how we can connect to nature and to ourselves. This exhibit shows how us humans have a history that also connects with the long history of other living things and how all history is important.
This picture from the butterfly garden also shows the beauty of nature. Beautiful images like this taken inside the garden really help us to experience nature like never before and sometimes even grow from experiences like these.
Created By
Charles Anthofer


Created with images by jared422_80 - "Gainesville - Florida Museum of Natural History - Shark"

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