Tundra Fundra by paige. gage, zach, and jesse

Tundra Fundra is all about celebrating winter, being with friends, and having a good time. It is a break from working and studying. There are many activities that are enjoyable for all.

The activities are as follows: snowball fights, sled dog races, igloo building, snowman building, and hot chocolate chugging.

Snowball fights are one of the five fun activities in the Tundra Fundra. The teams are given time to make snowballs. Afterwards, they throw snowballs at the opposing team until they run out of snowballs.
The teams each choose a competitor to steer sled dogs through a timed course. Only one member from each team will compete in this event.
Teams are given an amount of time to build igloos, and they are then judged on the quality of the igloos.
The teams can also enter in a contest for building snowmen. They have one hour to create the best possible snowman. The snowmen are judged on creativity, quality, and size.
Hot chocolate chugging is also a fun competition. Similar to a food eating contest, whoever can drink the most hot chocolate in a given time is the winner.
Each event is worth up to ten points. The points from the five events are totaled, and the winning team receives the winter scene snow globe. The snow globe is life size and has a winter scene inside.


Created with images by Buvrix27 - "winter scene mountain" • jill111 - "snowball fight snow winter" • Pexels - "dog sled dogs snow" • George Alexander Ishida Newman - "Winter sports" • piropiro3 - "Snowman on the beach" • jill111 - "hot chocolate snow scarf" • barnimages.com - "Snow globe"

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