Electrician By Dalton Kollbaum

An electrician is a person who is specialized to work on electrical components or install new components.

I am interested in becoming an electrician because I love working hands-on. I also am familiar with electrical work and enjoy doing it very much.

A new trend regarding electrical power is the decline in the use of coal to run power plants. Very low natural gas prices and EPA's new restrictions caused coal to be used less. This will lead to less emissions put out into the air and a push for "clean coal" technology.

Another trends is that the natural gas market is growing. This is due to coal not being in demand as much as it used to be. The future for natural gas is bright.

A trend in electrical power is a growth in solar power. Since there is a demand for cleaner energy, solar power is on the rise.

Works Cited

"The Top 10 Trends Transforming the Electric Power Sector." Utility Dive. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.


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