Homework Binders

If we want students to be organized, we have to give them the materials they need and teach them how to use those materials and help them establish and develop organizational skills.

One of the first activities students complete is creating a cover or title page for their individual binders given to them at our first meeting. Students use words or phrases that best describe them. This helps me get to know each student and his/her interests.

My students used abcya.com to create their word clouds.

I place important materials inside the binders (stored in plastic sleeves so they survive a year with a 10-year old)!

I always include a pencil case with a pencil, eraser and sticky notes!
Each student receives a journal. The directions for weekly journal writing are attached inside the front cover of each binder. Journal writing expectations and modeling are repeatedly throughout the year to ensure quality participation. Each week I read student entires and add coaching comments and notes of appreciation and encouragement specific to each student.
We use this map during our mystery skype activities.
This list of character traits is a helpful tool from Teachers Pay Teachers. Students use this resource for weekly journal writing and it's a great resource for our cumulative projects.
Students use "think marks" and label their novels with sticky notes so when we get together in small-group, our conversations are supported with connections to the assigned reading.
This document is completed independently by each student for each reading assignment. These notes help drive our conversations about assigned readings and give students a "voice." This document is also a great resource for cumulative projects.
Created By
Julie Bergstrom

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