2nd Quarter Project MAgE Hand

Medium Dice


Small dice.

One piece of equipment I would like to have in my kitchen some day is a kitchen aid mixer. I think it would be awesome to have this to bake with and prepare food for my family. We use them in pro-start and they are very handy.

One lab that we did this quarter was over seasoning things. We were talking about herbs and spices. Each student picked a spice or herb. Then we took and buttered bread and sprinkled the spice or hjerb over the bread and toasted the bread in the oven. This taught us what each spice or herb tasted like.

Another lab we did this quarter in pro start was we prepared a meal for our local Rotary Club. This was one of the first big events we did. It went along with what we learn in pro start because we worked together as a team. We prepared the food as a team and served it together.

In another lab that we did this quarter was making poached pairs and making steak fajitas using a cast iron skillet. We were learning about the different cooking techniques. This taught us how to make something in a way that you do not use very often but it is a good skill to know how to do.


Created with images by uwlideas - "#Food"

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