The "Giving Back" Story of the week

  • A blog on the Spinx site will showcase individuals who have given selflessly in the local community.
  • As a part of each segment Spinx will give something to help these people who have given.
  • Tugs on heart strings keeping viewers wanting more.
  • Make sure people know and make it about the individual, not Spinx.
  • Spinx creates organic advertising through viewers sharing these stories.

A New Look and Direction

  • Shift the focus of the Spinx App from gas and then food, too food and then gas.
  • Content will focus on freshness of Spinx food.
  • The Dashboard will offer a unique glimpse into the world of Spinx and the surrounding community.
  • The key to Spinx's future success is connecting with people's emotions and developing those relationships.
  • Ability to interact with future clients at a young age.
  • By engaging with children earlier, they are more likely to create a positive perception of Spinx.
  • Games to model from include Flight Control, Gas Smasher, Cooking Mama, Streetfood Tycoon, etc.
  • The Spinx app will be able to connect with clients of all ages.
  • No longer fuel perks only, an entire reward system based on points.
  • Points earned in multiple ways (purchases, video games, checking-in, etc.).
  • Points can be exchanged for snacks, fuel perks, discounts, etc.
  • Rewards can be claimed in app.
  • Online ordering feature allows customers to avoid hassle of aline and conveniently get in-and-out by preordering meals.
  • Another addition to the app is Incorporating a Spotify playlist with a custom station designed just for Spinx (plays the best 15-30 seconds of a song to keep users engaged and up-to-date on the latest songs).
Created By
Roy Costner

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