Wendy Mass By emma coad


When 16-year-old Tessa suffers a shocking accident in gym class, she finds herself in heaven (or what she thinks is heaven), which happens to look just like her hometown mall. She goes on many trips through the mall and meets many different people.


Josie Taylor was born on Leap Day, February 29, and today she gets to celebrate her fourth real birthday, full of birthday surprises, a school play audition, her driver’s test, a scavenger hunt, and the secret sweet-sixteen party at the lake. Like any teenager, sometimes she wonders what other people are thinking. Josie get to experience that by “leaping” into the minds and viewpoints of Josie and everyone around her, changing your assumptions of people forever.


Mia Winchell, a thirteen-year-old girl living with synesthesia, problems with her senses. Words and sound have color for her. Her synesthesia causes her problems in school, with friends, the understanding of her parents and peers.

I liked these books because they were all very different. I choose the author because in 4th grade I read one of her books and liked it.

Wendy Mass

Wendy became a writer because she loved reading and writing at a very young age.

Wendy was born April 22, 1967 in New Jersey.

She primarily writes young adult and children's books.

When Wendy was younger she and her friends had competitions to see who could read the most books.

A Mango Shaped Space was her best selling story.

She now lives in New Jersey with her husband, twins, dog, and 2 cats.

Degree in creative writing and an English major.

I recommend reading a mango shaped space it was my favorite!

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