(I read many articles and none tells me what genes where put into the papaya.) In 1940 the ringspot virus spread around the papayas. This was a virus not allowing the papayas to produce enough chlorophyll. They tried many things, but nothing worked. Finally they used the tehcinque of "GMO" to add the genes of other plants that where resistant to that virus into the papaya.

In conclusion: this GMO papaya is virus resistant, allowing cultivators to produce more papayas.

Who created this GMO papaya known as the rainbow papaya ? - Dennis Geonsavales a Hawaiian born scientist

He created the rainbow papaya because basically all the papayas where getting infected with the ringspot virus not allowing the papaya to get enough chlorophyll. The GMO papayas are now being used for over 90% of the growth of the papayas.

"Without biotechnology, there's no papaya industry, simple as that" - Dennis Gonsalves, creator of the rainbow papaya

Pros of "rainbow papaya":

1) they can resist the ringspot virus

2) more papayas means more money for the farmers that produce papayas

3) more healthy papayas

4) more papaya means they will cost less

5) more food for the people that don't have as much money

Cons of the "rainbow papaya'

1) nobody knows the potential outcome if we continue to eat this papaya for a long period of time.

2) people could potentially be allergic to the substance that they put in the papaya to make it virus proof.

3) people might stop buying papaya due to the fact that they know there are other substances In it.

My stance on GMO's: I personally believe that they can be good and bad. I think that If it is necessary like In this case (because they where going to be extinct) it's ok. I think they should always put labeling on the products contains GMO's and saying what they have in them because somebody could be allergic to it. I also think they should be very careful about not allowing these GMO products into the wild. Or if they do get out of a controlled environment then they could become an invasive species, wiping out other species along the way in the wild. On the other hand I also believe they are good. There is a great amount of people that don't have money to buy food or maybe they have food but it's not nutricious. In this case GMO's would be good because it could add nutricious elements to the food. Also the food pricing would go down due to the fact that there would be more of it. This means that more people could buy food and we would have less people starving around the word. So in conclusion I think GMO's are good and bad.

Created By
Florencia Hilburn


Created with images by nuzree - "papaya tree papayas fruits" • Starr Environmental - "starr-140504-0519-Carica_papaya-fruit_harvested-Hawea_Pl_Olinda-Maui" • Bulli1308 - "market fruit vegetables" • rogeriomda - "papaya fair vegetables" • PENEBAR - "ripe papaya papaya papaya fruit" • bettinaglaeser - "fruit papaya cut in half" • Marco Fumasoni - "Papaya"

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