Mamma Mia! Project by: Kristine Escara, Analyssa Perez, Luzelena Martinez

Welcome, we are taking you to a journey where the water is blue, the trees are green, and your father is unknown...

This comedy/romance or maybe even mystery, is going to make you fall off your seat into a jaw-breaking musical, you'll even find yourself breaking into song.

Actor(s) that have the vocal range C4 (bass):

Father Alexandrios - religious, impatient, and annoyed

Niall Buggy played Father Alex in the movie (made in 2008) and Robert Wilde in the broadway show.

Niall Buggy
Robert Wilde

E4 (Baritone) vocal range:

Sam Carmichael - persistent, witty, and unafraid

In the broadway show, Jeff Diebold played this role, while Pierce Brosnan played it in the movies (2008).

Pierce Brosnan
Jeff Diebold

Tenor (G4) Vocal Range:

Sky - loyal, loving, grounded

In the movie, Dominic Cooper played Sky, while Ryan McBride played Sky in the broadway show.

Ryan McBride
Dominic Cooper

Altos (D5):

Tanya Cresham-Leigh - flirtatious, witty, and wealthy

The role is played by Heather Back , broadway musical, and Christine Baranski in the movie.

Christine Baranski
Heather Beck

Soprano (C6) Vocal Range

Sophie Sheridan - spirited, confused, and trusting

In the broadway show, it's played by Kiersten Frumkin, and in the movie, she's played by Amanda Seifried.

Kiersten Frumkin
Amanda Seyfried

Mezzo Soprano (F5) Vocal Range

Donna Sheridan - stubborn, feminist, independent

Donna is played by Meryl Streep in the movie, and is played by Amy Montgomery.

Meryl Streep
Amy Montgomery


Created with images by @jbtaylor - "Mamma Mia!" • Shane Global Language Centres - "Mamma Mia" • Blake Handley - "2012 08 Mamma Mia 01" • AndyRobertsPhotos - "Mamma Mia! Theatre Breaks in London" • Isabel Sommerfeld - "Mamma Mia!" • ell brown - "Prince of Wales Theatre - Coventry Street, London - Mamma Mia! - Christmas lights"

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