Tour of the Harn By: Cheyenne Huskey

What is it about the medium of the work or the technique of the artist that you found to be so striking? What did it communicate to you? How did the artwork make you feel? The medium of Frida Kahlo is beautiful and the technique of the art is the unique with the patterns and designs. The artwork made me feel like I would love to get to learn her life. It communicated the strength of a woman and the courageous beauty of her photography.

Is it the lighting? Is it the use of space? Is it the arrangement of the art? How does the exhibit make you feel? I don't believe it has to do with the lighting, space or arrangement. The design of the exhibit and African art is different and interesting to the eye. I feel like if this type of clothing is was in stores that I would end up buying the whole line. It is just beautiful and very boho style of clothing.

What emotion does that artwork instill in you? How does it help you better understand what you believe or cherish? This art work makes me think a little because the smaller sculpture looks like a man, but gives me the feeling it is a smaller diagram of art like the french fries. The art on the wall makes me feel like it is made of trash and that trash can be made into something beautiful. It makes me cherish life because i know that in life things can't always be rainbows and butterflies. I think this art portrays the meaning of any bad experience now can become beautiful in the future.

What is the Good Life theme depicted in the art? How does it communicate that Good Life theme and how does it add to your understanding or appreciation of that theme? This picture depicts women and the justice of their bodies. If you look around museums many women are pictured naked and their figures usually get judged. It makes me appreciate the fact that women are probably the figure that takes criticism daily and we always get around it. WE ARE STRONG NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE THROWS AT US.

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