Bloodhounds Research Project

This video is interesting facts about bloodhounds. This video shows pictures and explains facts about bloodhounds. The facts are unique, interesting, and unusual.

The female is on the left and the male is on the right.

. Females weigh between 80-100 lbs. Males weigh between 90-110 lbs.

Bloodhounds assist police in search and rescue situations and in regular situations..

This is an example of how bloodhounds are trained for search and rescue.

Liver and tan, black and tan, and red.

These are the variations of colors bloodhounds come in.

Bloodhounds get along with children excellent but they do need adult supervision like any other dogs do.

With his sunken eyes, deeply furrowed face and loose jowls, the Bloodhound resembles a person in dire need of a facelift. The sad-eyed appearance is misleading, however. This is an affectionate dog with a sense of humor and a strong character, traits balanced by a reserved and sensitive nature. He takes his name from his long lineage as a “blooded” hound, one kept by aristocrats for centuries and prized for his ability to trail game and people. Today he is renowned for his man-trailing ability and under certain circumstances his “testimony” is accepted in court. When it comes to living with a Bloodhound, the house-proud need not apply. Noble he may be, but the Bloodhound is also big -- weighing from 80 to 115 pounds -- and odorous. His capacity for producing drool is matched by few other breeds, and when he shakes his massive head, slobber goes flying: onto walls, furniture and clothing. In accordance with Murphy’s Law, this is most likely to occur just after you have finished cleaning your home or have just gotten dressed for a night on the town. While you might think of him as an outdoor dog, nothing could be farther from the truth. Bloodhounds love their people, especially children, and will pine without human companionship. They should certainly have access to a securely fenced yard, but when the family is home, the Bloodhound should be with them. Bloodhounds have short, easy-care coats in black and tan, liver and tan, or red and need only a weekly brushing or wipe down. That’s where the easy part stops. The wrinkles must be cleaned daily and kept dry to prevent infection. Be prepared to wash the face thoroughly after every meal and wipe the mouth after your Bloodhound drinks water—before he shakes his head and slings water and drool everywhere. Be aware as well that the Bloodhound has what can best be described as a musty odor. You can’t wash it away or disguise it, so be prepared to live with it and love it.

This text sums up all you need to know all about Bloodhounds. Including how you have to take care of them, their traits, and how they act with children.


Created By
Sydney T.

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