Seattle Plan Day 1

By now you should have seen a few attractions in Seattle and a lovely hotel. Where should we eat? What is our plan? Here it is! This is a full guide to everything you need to know about your trip to Seattle! Your Welcome!

  • Day 1:
  • We will arrive in Seattle at 2:00. By the time we reach our Hotel (Medeteranian Inn) it will be 3:30 when you are packed up. You will need to stretch your legs. Go to Kerry Park for about an hour. It is one of the best places in Seattle to get a gorgeous view of the city.
  • You are hungry now! Go to Shuckers and get simple but delicious food.
  • If you still have the time and energy to go to one last stop which is the Fremont Troll which is a cool statue.
  • Go to bed and get ready for a great morning ahead of you.
Created By
Mysterious Unicorn


Created with images by Ana_J - "clouds sun sky" • athacker - "car convertible mountain"

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