Johneil Lorete Portraits Project

Picture from OUTSIDE / This was taken from outside due to the lighting and the main focus is the student. The student was looking away because it gives out the mysterious and more casual look to the picture.
Away from the WALL / This picture gives the huge space from the object which is the student to the wall. The background was blurry so that the viewers will focus on the student.
With FLASH / This shows that the picture has flash because of the lighting. It brighten the image so that it is clear to see the subject.
Without FLASH / This picture shows a subject reading without flash. The flash was not there because it was already bright enough and does not need extra lighting, with lighting this can throw the whole image unbalance.
Against the WALL / This shows that the image is against the wall and creates a great image. The background is great because it shows the image more often and its not too distracting.
The use of Environment / The subject use the environment to shows more focus. The subject also used the environments to his advantage.
Natural Lighting / This picture is a good example from the natural lighting because it shows the shadow from the window. This gives the image more texture and gives the suspense.
My Choice / This picture is a great picture because it shows more that just one focus. It is clear and the background is not distracting. The flash was great because it gives the bright and clear picture.
My Choice / This picture is bright and calming picture and will make viewers smile. The picture is the combination of window lighting and away from the wall.
My Choice / This photo shows the subjects away from the wall. This also have multiple focus so that it keeps the viewers eyes busy.
Created By
johneil Lorete


Portraits Project

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