"Homelessness Is Not Just A Housing Problem" Kelly quenn

"Homelessness is about more than rooflessness. A home is not just a physical space: it provides roots, identity, security, a sense of belonging and a place of emotional wellbeing.” So says the United Kingdom charity Crisis [1]. This Editorial's title comes from another charity, Shelter [2], which breaks down the causes of homelessness into individual factors such as drug and alcohol misuse; lack of social support; family background, including family breakdown and disputes; and an institutional background, including being in prison, or increasingly and perhaps especially shamefully today, the armed services."

The type of lead the author used was a summery lead. They summarized what would be written about in the rest of the article. It was to the point and factual.

Many people in the U. S. today are homeless. A total of 564,708 was calculated in 2012. That is in one country alone. These people are left on the streets at night in the elements. Cold, wind, rain and snow. They have to sleep anywhere they can find a place. They don't have a warm bed to snuggle up into at night. They are left to freeze in the winter. In the summer, when it's scorching hot out, they don't have a house to cool off in with AC. They are outside because they don't have a home.

I wrote a delayed identification lead. I never said specific names of homeless people. I left it anonymous.

Who- Homeless people in the United States and around the world

What- People not having a home

Where- Across the globe and in our own community as well

When- Everyday and night

Why- The homeless people need help with getting a place to stay. Reasons for homelessness include, poverty, job loss, lack of health care, mental illness, substance abuse and domestic violance. It's hard for them to live their lives. They just need a little boost to get on track.

How- You can donate to a homeless shelter to help out and give them a bed to sleep in or cloths to wear. You can also donate your time and volunteer at a homeless shelter.

"Imaginative and collaborative solutions from across the whole spectrum of health and social care providers are needed—for example, targeted health care interventions such as mobile clinics and community outreach. But charities such as Crisis and Shelter are already warning that the risk of homelessness for many people is closer than we have previously assumed and now more than ever, homeless people can no longer be considered outside of society. Political will at the highest level is needed to put them back into the mainstream political and therefore health and social agenda."

Homeless people make up a large percent of the population. They are forced to suffer at night. Many of them are unable to get jobs or there just aren't any available. Sheltors need to be built for these people of our community. Something needs to be done to help this portion of the people of the United States and other countries.


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