Accounting Careers IN THE FBI

Pablo Escabar

FBI Accounting Internship

What is Forensic Accounting?

The Forensic Accountant (FoA) is one of the most vital and sought-after careers in the FBI. Forensic Accounting involves the use of accounting skills, auditing and investigative techniques to research and follow the systems through which money may be funneled or laundered. -FBI

It is the FoA's job to track fraudulent financial information for large corporations, institutions, mortgages and organized crime.

Accounting is the #1 skill desired by the FBI.

Background Information

The FBI was founded in 1908 and has grown to 56 different field offices, with their headquarters located in Washington D.C. The FBI employs over 35,000 people globally throughout several departments. They help protect all citizens, communities, businesses and institutions from domestic and international threats.

Our Mission

To protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States. [To stay] Ahead of the threat through leadership, agility, and integration. -FBI

Why choose The FBI?

It is never too early or too late to make a career at the FBI. The FBI accepts applicants that are willing to work hard and prove their worth, even if they lack credentials.

The Perfect Opportunity

One of my favorite hobbies is solving jigsaw puzzles. Accounting involves a puzzle of numbers that needs to be pieced together to answer a mystery. Two of my family members have a CPA certification and three other family members served in the military. The FBI offers a career in accounting that allows me to follow in my family's footsteps.

Created By
Matthew Jackson

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