
Communications Learning Community

The Communications Learning Community

Interested in majoring in communications? The Communications Learning Community is open to first year students in the School of Communications.

These students will have a unique opportunity to improve and apply their interpersonal communication skills, work in collaborative team, and learn various Communications disciplines. Students admitted to this Learning Community will be educated and prepared to excel as skilled professionals in the global field of communications. They will start down this path in their Learning Community through hands-on experiences.

“Learning Communities opened the gates for me to meet new people and professors, and it's where I met my two now closest friends. There are experiences you can only find there that you'll miss out on.”

Courtney Bacon– Communications Learning Community 2015/16

Students in the Communications LC will learn:

  • how to improve and apply their interpersonal communication skills
  • how to successfully work in collaborative team and group environments
  • how various Communications disciplines interact with one another

Experiences Outside the Classroom:

These programs are often designed to enhance the classroom curriculum. All the programs are free for Communications Learning Community Students . While these programs often change from year to year, below are a few from recent years.

Webster Student Film Festival on South Grand Ave, City Museum, “To Kill a Mockingbird” at Insight Theatre


GLBC 1200 SEC 02 Utopias

Monday/Wednesday 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Instructor: Bill Barrett (barrettb@webster.edu)

EDEX 1500 Webster 101 SEC 03 - 1st 8 weeks

Tuesday 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM

Instructor: Katie Knetzer (mccombka@webster.edu)

EPMD 1000 SEC 01 Intro to Media Production

Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM

Instructor: Zlatko Cosic (zlatkocosic77@webster.edu)

EDUC 1510 SEC 01 Major Exploration and Career Development - 2nd 8 weeks

Tuesday 1:00 pm - 2:50 pm

Instructor: John Holste (holstejo@webster.edu)

Questions? Feel free to contact:

Justin Barton, Director of First Year Experience


Vanika Spencer, Coordinator of First Year Experience



Created with images by freephotocc - "cup of coffee laptop office" • LoboStudioHamburg - "twitter facebook together" • hunnnterrr - "soundboard"