Florida Museum of Natural History Rachael Borman

South Florida People and Environments Exhibit
Nature on Display

I found this exhibit, in specific, this room, to be very appealing because the scenery filled the entire room. From all 360 degrees, I felt like I was within the Mangrove Forests.

Nature and Ethics

I chose the "Six Thousand Years in South Florida" as my piece for Nature and Ethics because it truly encompasses how the South Floridian land has changed over time. With Calusa Indians to modern day people,the land is not the same as it was when tribes started to inhabit the land. Now, more animals are becoming extinct, the Everglades are shrinking, and South Florida is becoming a residential area filled with neighborhoods and shopping plazas.

Nature and the Human Spirit

I felt the Underwater Walk-Through really encompasses the mystery and majesty of nature. The fact that less than 5% of the oceans have been explored truly amazes me. That leaves 95% of true mystery unanswered to society.

I also thought the Our Energy Future exhibit was eye-opening. The exhibit provides hands on activities and visual representations to educate people on really how much energy we are using, how it is effecting our environment, and what we can do to conserve energy.

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