Imagination By Michael A. Brault Jr.

I am your muse when uninspired,

I am the world that you desired.

I stand by you in times of dread,

I am there in the life you led.

I am your imagination, where you can go,

To live a life in your favorite show.

I can conjure wonders others can not fathom,

But there are times I can cause utter bedlam.

I am the ambiguous form of tragedies past,

Nightmarish creatures, each worse than the last.

In youth, I was the monster hiding under your bed,

Today, I am the demons that lurk in your head.

I am your imagination, I bring shadows to life,

Turning dreams into horrors, bringing endless strife.

But I am essential to everyone's growth,

To make you better that is my oath.

I can twist memories and bring you pain,

I can bring you joy when it rains.

I can be the source of your liberation,

Have no fear, I am your Imagination.

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