PA products from Pennsylvaia By:Evan Plessinger

Table of Contents

chapter 1:The thing we have on pizza.

chapter 2:The beautiful place that makes motorcycles.

chapter 3:The white liquid we dip cookies in.

chapter 4:DUDE ITS TURKEY HILL!!!!!

Cheese is a healthy food made of milk.If cheese gets old mold could grow on it.Mold is a kind of fungus.There're hundreds of kinds of cheeses.In fact,the workers cut curd into thousands of small cubes.Whey oozes from the cubes.

In Chapter 2 there is something that goes rum rum rum.

Harley davidson was built in york in 1973.In fact, it is the only motorcycle brand made in the U.S.A.The york plant makes only 4 models of motorcycles.Did you know it was started by 3 brothers and their friend?

Map of HARLEY DAVIDSON factories

There is a white liquid so you have to drink to the next chapter.

As you can see,milk is a dairy product.It is the favorite drink in parts of the world.Milk comes from a cow.Milk is used to make many different things like,ice cream and cheese.

in the next chapter there's something to do with iced tea.

Did you know,Turkey Hill's selection of frozen desserts has grown a lot from 1954! Each and every bottle of turkey hill iced tea-from our traditional iced tea to our raspberry tea-is made with great care and quality. It was built in 1931! Did you know that Turkey Hill makes 29M gallons of ice cream a year!!

That was a lot of information, hope you learned something!!!

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