Creative Project NeanA white

This I believe, that humanities has deeply impacted me to look at the world differently. It has made me realize that every human being has a story. From literature to all forms of art, I have developed more of an appreciation for all types of literature, artworks, and artist. I can now depict symbolism throughout certain art pieces and I find that amazing.I have accepted freedom as a term that varies in many forms for many different people. Often times I forget that not everyone has the same freedom as I do at this point. As far as my religion, I have learned that my happiness and my core values should be deeply rooted from it. I never thought to link my happiness to my creators expectations for me. I have had a chance to realize my core values which are a respect, love, kindness, peace, and trust.


A human being can be seen in either two ways, as just another human or as a human but with a story. When we go throughout life, we see and meet new people everyday. One of the most looked past things about humans are what they must endure and go through on a daily basis. Everyone obtains a different background, culture, way of thinking, and even living. According to the textbook Revel, each of us are more than just an age, gender, address, or occupation.

Created By
Neana White

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