Parents Need to Teach Their Children to Eat Healthy Moriah Slaughter

As the parents, you raise your child in the ways they will be most inclined to follow their whole lives.

Baby has to eat what his parents give him.
Your child has no other choice but to think, "this food must be great if it's from mom and dad!"

Don't let your kids think that unhealthy food tastes good, or is okay to eat regularly. They will eat what they are given and what they see you eating.

Raise your children up to be successful. Healthy eating and living should be the lifestyle!

Show your child what food is actually good. Teach them how to eat by example.

A fun and healthy desert: fruit!

Set him up for success!

Your child will love eating the kind of food they need to!

Eating healthy will simply be the lifestyle, nothing complicated about it.


Created with images by Arya Ziai - "May 12, 2013 at 12:53PM" • Leonid Mamchenkov - "img_7513" • miriam0316 - "baby eat noodle bib" • © Marco Trezza Photography - "- Pizza Queen - ©" • Efraimstochter - "ice ice cream cone ice cream" • Franklin Park Library - "children eating" • WellspringCS - "Pizza Day" • Vilmos.Vincze - "Do you really want me to eat that last piece? Noooo..." • amslerPIX - "Loves Watermellon" • Leonid Mamchenkov - "Eating corn" • woodleywonderworks - "harvest: enormous cucumber" • slightly everything - "a year at the table - 121"

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