If life is worth living, then it's worth recording - unknown

About me

My name is Xitlalli I love music, reading, and art. When I get older I plan to become an animator or author. I like taking pictures of the sky, and nature. I enjoy hanging out with my friends at school


This podcast explains what happened in the Holocaust in 10 minutes or less. Since the Holocaust is a big subject you probably don't believe me. Trust me the whole thing explained in 10 minutes

Bill Gates: The New Titan of Industry

This is a podcast about Bill gates and wether he is a captain of industry or a robber baron.

Created By
Xitlalli S


Created with images by DayronV - "music studio music studio" • RonPorter - "birkenau auschwitz concentration camp holocaust rail track" • Masaru Kamikura - "Microsoft Bill Gates"

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