Cells Brent Cooke, Taiga nishina, isaac o'connor

The Cell Theory

The Cell Theory is that of all living things being made of cells.

History of cells date back to 1665 when English physicist Robert Hooke, introduced the term 'cell' because the cellulose walls of dead cork cells reminded him of the blocks of cells occupied by monks.

The Cell Theory is comprised of three ideas:

  1. Cells are the unit of structure of all living things
  2. All living organisms are made of one or more cells
  3. All cells come from preexisting cells.

The Animal Cell

An Animal Cell

The animal cell has many parts to it: Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Nucleolus, Nuclear Envelope, Mitochondria, Smooth ER, Rough ER, Golgi Apparatus, Ribosomes, Lysosomes, Chromatin and Vacuoles.

Organelles are the parts of the working cell and are all found in a cells cytoplasm. They make protein, remove waste, store DNA and above all make all living things work. They make you be you.

Nucleus: Controls the cell and stores DNA

Ribosomes: Put together the products of the cell

Cell Membrane: Decides which materials enter, leave and stay in the cell.

Rough ER: Moves molecules towards membrane

Smooth ER: Produces steroids

Vacuole: Store nutrients, water and wastes

Golgi Apparatus: Packages proteins

Mitochondria: Makes and provides energy

Cytoplasm: The jelly-like material that makes up the cell

Nuclear Envelope: Encloses the Nucleus

Nucleolus: creates ribosomes

Chromatin: long strands of DNA found in the Nucleus

The Plant Cell

A Plant Cell

A Plant Cell is similar to an animals; apart from a few differences.

The Organelles on a plant cell do incredible things such as photosynthesis; what gives us air! The vacuole on a plant cell is massive. The organelles specific to a plant cell are listed below.

Chloroplasts: Work to convert light energy of the Sun into sugars that can be used by cells in a process called photosynthesis.

Cell Wall: Protect cells and make plants rigid.



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