Food Survival in Khartoum,Sudan We're Gonna Grow Sorghum, The Number #1

All Star Song

Seriously Play The Dang Song:


Grain Sorghum, also called Milo, is a member of the grass family. The round starchy seed’s tolerance for heat and drought plays a Huge Part in Human survival. It Can Grow in deserts and Sahel biomes. This Only Takes 60 Days to Grow. (OOPS. I Plagiarized)
Nutrition Facts Of Gluten-Free Sorghum
YAY!! We Landed in a Desert!

Really Long Paragraph (That Explains Why We Chose This To Grow In a Emergency Plane Crash):

There are many reasons why we chose Sorghum instead of everything else especially the fact we landed in a Sahel biome. As you already know, we crashed landed in a place called Khartoum which is the capital of Sudan. A guy came up to us and gave us a choice to chose a seed out of all of these seeds he had in his hand. We choose The Sorghum Seed because it didn't take very long to grow and it could grow in deserts/sahel's. We could also make bread and other edible stuff out of Sorghum. That's why we chose to grow sorghum out of all our possible choices.


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