
Snapchat is a form of social media created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown in 2013. It is a way to communicate with others and send pictures. The upside to having snapchat is that you can communicate with friends without paying. You can take pictures and send them to people in a little amount of time. Also, you can use a filter on your picture to make you look prettier. The negative effect of snapchat is that so many young peolpe spend a lot of their time on this app. This app shows things that parents don't want their kids wasting their time on. Several people have filed complaints to the creators of Snapchat because they showed offensive content. Also apparently all the pictures that you take get saved.

also add me on sc amie.lukyanov


Created with images by KiNG_PEEWEE - "facebook instagram media"

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