Facial Rejuvination A One Month Experiment

We're super into vulnerability over here at Acupuncture of Tarrytown, which is why the thought of no-makeup pictures and before and afters made us all 😳 And also why we bit the bullet and started this process.

Day 1, 11/30/16: We're both REALLY pale, which is fine, but it's the undertone that's a little alarming (for Erikka, there's a bright white that points to Yang Deficiency and for Chryssa there's a pallor that points to Blood Deficiency). Erikka has a condition called Melasma which affects the color tone of her skin: you can see it looks a little mottled in her forehead. Chryssa has some redness around the nose and mouth, indicating some irritation in the digestive tract. In addition to the underlying Chinese Medicine patterns of disharmony, we as 33 year old women want to work on the vanity side of things! Erikka wants to work on her jawline and Chryssa wants to work on her "smile" lines and the wrinkles that are forming around her mouth.
Pretty, pretty ladies. Who are also really dehydrated! So we're going to work on hydration as well. Sorry, lips!

Our plan of action:

We'll each get a facial acupuncture treatment once a week and we'll each get cupping and/or gua sha treatments once a week as well. That's 2 facial treatments a week.

We are increasing our water intake based on our individual weights.

Dry brushing before each shower: dry brushing dramatically increases circulation and blood flow. What's good for the body is good for the face!

Supplements: each of us has recently begun a supplement regimen based on our individual needs and that will continue through this process.

Facial exercises: in addition to the facial treatments, we'll be doing Facercise Facial Exercises daily, depending on the parts of the face that each of us want to change.

Created By
Acupuncture of Tarrytown

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