Aleppo, Syria By:dwayne bell

The 1138 Aleppo earthquake was among the deadliest earthquakes in history. Its name was taken from the city of Aleppo, in northern Syria, where the most casualties were sustained.The quake occurred on 11 October 1138 and was preceded by a smaller quake on the 10th.It is frequently listed as the third deadliest earthquake in history.
It all started on October 10, 1138, a shook shook the area, the biggest earthquake happened the next day on the 11. There are no pictures of this event because it took place too far back in time and there were no cameras available.
On Oct. 10, 1138, a small shock shook the region, and some residents fled to surrounding towns. The main quake occurred the following day. As the city walls crumbled, rocks cascaded into the streets. Aleppo’s citadel collapsed, killing hundreds of residents.Aleppo was a bustling city and home to tens of thousands of residents despite being subject to numerous upheavals from battles between Muslims and Crusaders, as well as competing Arab factions.


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