Bookclub January

Thank you everyone who made Bookclub this month. It's was a fun evening as always. I apologise that me and Jenny had to spend most of the evening stepping about the room to complete our step challenge. Although I think you got us back Vicky by filming us. THANKS!!!

Clare H suggested Decembers read . Our first biography which seemed to go down well with our group. Thanks Clare .
I forgot to mention....

... Vicky has suggested a wine and cheese night for the next Bookclub get together. I love cheese and wine. I'm sure if your not a wine drinker it will still be an yummy night. Let us know what you think?


This months read is from Vickys A.

Next meeting is Friday 3rd March.

So it was our chance to recommend a book again . We put them all in a bowl and pulled them out in the order we are going to read them. It was good to see quite a selection of genres hopefully something for everyone but also something you may have not considered reading too.

The above is the order we will be reading the books. I believe I have the right books for all, but please have a look and double check. Louise we pulled your name out and your choice will be after Station 11 . Please let me know what your recommendation is. From top to left the recommendations are from Vicky A, Clare H, Dawn, Vicky M, Maria, Laura, Jenny , Clare M, Louise ( still to come) Hannah.


  • March 3rd
  • March 31st
  • April 28th
  • May26th
  • June 23rd
  • July 21st
See you all next month


Created with images by Daria-Yakovleva - "cheese food nutrition"

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