Dubai Spring break

If I could go to anywhere in the world thus spring break where would it be? I would go to Dubai. The place that I would go to this spring break would be Dubai because I like the building and I like how the city is some what futuristic and there are lots of yachts and fast foreign supercars. If I were to go I would like to go on the palm tree islands, Go to lots of car conventions, And go to the beach and swim with different sea life and go jet skiing.


Other activities I would like to do in Dubai is sky diving because the view from high up would be unbelievable just seeing the different building and beach. I would also like to race supercars. I would fly to get there that would take Around 15 hours to get there by plane. I would stay in the "Park Hyatt Dubai" hotel because it has five stars and it is close to the beach. while i'm in Dubai i would like to try camel even though it sounds and might be nasty.


Created with images by Harald_Landsrath - "architecture skyscraper dubai" • Stew Dean - "Dubai - Flying Over"

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