The Amazon's Summer camp for girls Hayden Curtis

The Amazons are the counselors at the summer camp...
and Ares and Otrere are the owners of the organization.
They play dodgeball every day at The Amazon's Summer Camp for Girls because it reminds them of when they used to practice fighting. It is one of their favorite games.
The campers stay in cabins with their counselors. They can stay all summer or just a couple of days, depending on how much you pay. It cost $250 per week. Girls from age 8-18 can come to the camp
Their food rations consists of fresh fruits and veggies, olives, goat milk and cheese, and lots of bread.


Created with images by vastateparksstaff - "NR_Camping" • vastateparksstaff - "FS Cabin 4 and 5" • Couleur - "fruit bowl shell fruit"

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