Malaysia perspective and International perspectives in conservation and management challenges for sustainable forest. Eizzaty annur binti ahmad rohaizad e15a0039

🌳Malaysia perspectives

☘️ Replanting of trees

-Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment re-planted about 600 trees in Cameron Highland and Janda Baik. The purpose of re-planting is to ensure the natural disasters caused by extreme exploration and logging are not repeated.

☘️ Gazetting of reserved forest and national park

-The National Forestry Policy was accepted by the NFC in 1977. The purpose of National Forestry Policy is to deal with the current issues that have been raised by the international community regarding the importance of biodiversity conservation and uses of genetic resources.

🌲International perspectives

🍁 Agenda 21 and Forest Principles

-Both are non-binding documents that produced at the UNCED. Agenda 21 is a document with regards to sustainable development. Forest Principle is a document that provide recommendations for conservation and sustainable development forestry.

🍁The Rio Conventions

-The Rio Conventions are derived directly from Rio Earth Summit 1992. 3 other convention under this Rio Conventions are CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD. This conventions discussed about the issues of biodiversity, climate change and desertification.


The result of both perspectives from Malaysia and International in Conservation and Management Challenges for Sustainable Forest is clear that Malaysia and other international countries are presently in position to accept and ready to operate the necessary actions to protect the forest sustainability and overcome the challenges together in order to get a better forest in the fure for our children. So both perspectives are important to us to make it comes true.


Created with images by Eric Tessmer, Honolulu Hawaii - "Nuuanu Pali Judd Trail, Hawaii"

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