How the Epiphany is celebrated in other countries? Marissa Mossorofo 1/13/17

One of the most significant Latin America holiday celebrations is Día De Los Reyes, which celebrates the visit of the Magi to baby Jesus.

The Feast of th Epiphany represents Christ's physical revelation to the Gentiles, and in Latin America it is more important than Christmas.

Día De Los Reyes is also known as the Feast of the Epiphany.

On Día De Los Reyes children leave their shoes outside and in the morning they have candy in their shoes from the three Magi.

In Spain, one of the most important factors of Día De Los Reyes is the Rosca de Reyes, which is the Wreath of the Kings. This is a cake that symbolizes a crown and a baby figure hidden in the cake, which symbolizes Jesus hiding from Herod.

Huge parades and celebrations are thrown to commemorate Día De Los Reyes and people host parties to celebrate the coming of the Magi.

The Epiphany is the last day in the Christian season of Christmas.

I have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this work. Marissa Mossorofo



Created with images by Catedrales e Iglesias - "Catedral de Puebla Exteriores,Puebla de los Ángeles,Estado de Puebla,México" • Klearchos Kapoutsis - "Epiphany" • WalterPro4755 - "DSC_7535_pp" • - "36 Garifian Union Cultural Group Carnaval SF 2012 209" • A.Davey - "Restoring Emperor Fasilides' Bath: The Stonemason's Hut"

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