Mexican Grey Wolf By: RIanna Magpantay

Introduction- The Mexican Grey wolf also known as the Canis Lupus Baileyi. The Mexican Grey Wolf is gray with light brown fur on it's back . They have long legs and a sleek buddy which enables them to run, one of the smallest out of the subspecies . They have been mistaken for a coyote. The Mexican Grey Wolf is located in mountanious forests,woodlands or the deserts. The Canis Lupus Baileyi is part of the animal kingdom, Phylum is chordata, and classified as a mammal. Part of the Canidae family, Species is Canis Lupus. The first appearance of the Mexican Grey Wolf was 1929.
Left- Mexican Grey Wolf Right- North American Grey wolf

Morphological and Molecular Evidence- The closest relative of the Mexican Grey Wolf is considered the North American Gray wolf. The Gray wolf is an ancestor of the domestic dog.The Mexican Grey wolf is a subspecies of the North American Grey wolf that was once native in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Design of fur on the back is the same. Both wolves having the resemblance of a German Shepherd. Broader skull and long ears.DNA is passed down through the mother's blood line, genetically wolves and dogs are 98.8% identical. This evidence shows evolution in my animal because genes are passed down from generations. They can have the same DNA but different names.

Homologous Structures- The Siberian Husky, Humans, Bats, Canines and whales all have the same forelimb structures. Four different bones that are put together in a similar way. All structures look different and function in a different way than another organism. A Homologous structures is an example of an organ or bone that appears in organisms but have a different function. They are closely related but have evolved at different times.

Vestigial structures- The wolves have a structure that is called Dewclaws. Dewclaws are short nails or claws on a dog that don't touch the ground. Non-functional part of the wolves body they serve an early ancestor of huskies when they would climb trees.They're only 4 claws that touch but not 5.Vestigial structures are genetically determined that have lost some of the ancestral function but remain during the process of revolution. Shows evolution because it shows what ancestor canines used Dewclaws for and how they adapted to environment.

Transitional fossils-

Created By
Rianna Magpantay


Created with images by ahisgett - "Mexican Gray Wolf 1" • dellfalconer - "Gray Wolf" • sadiehart - "angry wolf" • contemplicity - "Mexican Wolf 003" • Dallas Krentzel - "Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) forelimb at the Field Museum, Chicago, IL" • phenoscape - "AL_Forelimb_Medial_left" • James St. John - "Eobrontosaurus yahnahpin sauropod dinosaur (Morrison Formation, Upper Jurassic; Bertha Quarry, northwestern Albany County, southeastern Wyoming, USA)" • bodyxplorer - "fun funny dog"

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