How to change your C to an A By:Kate murphy

What! No, no my mom is going to kill me. I say in my head as I look down at my paper marked with a C- on it. I am the person that waits last minuet to study for a test. Over the years I have learned that these steppes help a lot! Now i study 4-5 days before the test and I get good grades. These steps are super easy and very helpful. I plan to help you guys to get great grades with these steps because I know that this has helped me a lot. Even the little things can make a big impact in your grades. You need to focus not fool around, know where everything is, and be ready for test so pay attention.

steps to get good grades!!

step 1- Go over all the information

step 2- then separate the cards by 3's and learn them card by card.

step 3- Have someone test you on them

step 4- Keep doing this process until you get through all of the cards.

step 5- go to extra help the day before the test for any questions and a review.

step 6- keep going over the note cards.

step 7- Go in early that day of the test for a refresher.

step 8- Take your time on your test and read the questions carefully.

step 9- Good luck!

I think that you should follow this steps because I think this will really see a change in your grades. These steps really helps for me to study and I think if you follow these tips the next test you get back you will get a A! Also the most helpful steps that I think helps me the most are steps 7, 8, 2 and 3. I hope this helps you because I know these steps definitely help me! Good luck!

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