Cybercrime An act performed by a knowledgable computer user, somEtimes reFerred yo as a hacker that illegaly browses or steals private information

The global cost of cybercrime will reach $2 trillion by 2019
Most cybercrimes go undetected
Last year, IDG detected 38% more cyber security incidents
48% of data security breaches are caused by acts of malicious intent
More than 29 million records were exposed in 858 publicized breaches across sectors including financial, government, healthcare, and education

How to prevent cybercrimes:

Don't going around telling everyone your passwords, keep them to yourself so your stuff is more secure
Always log out of your accounts when you leave a computer
Don't use the same password for everything, you should use a different password for everything. Just remember what your passwords are.

Cloudflare, an internet start-up company, experienced a bug in 2012 that leaked multiple pieces of encrypted personal data. The info was entrusted to them by their users, whom expected it to be secure, for they were promised it would be.

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