Bus stop renovation Mack Cook

Bus stops like this would be appreciated, on East Campus.

This bus stop is actually nicer than some of the ones on East.

Stops like this would be appreciated on East campus.

Because the Weather at Liberty University is temperamental, we need sheltered bus stops, they do not have to be fancy like the airport bus stop, but the do need to be nicer than a trash can.

Not to mention Liberty's campus becomes cold easily.


Created with images by davidz - "bus stop snow coke" • 14398 - "bus stop shelter street" • Tim Green aka atoach - "Bus Stop with grass skirt" • renee_mcgurk - "waiting at bus stop" • Silvicultrix - "weather rain sky" • Seniju - "the tempest" • janetmck - "Bus Stop, Witney" • Mary P Madigan - "Bus Stop, Roswell Airport" • Fotocitizen - "ice winter cold"

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