Virginia By:John Mccord

Virginia in the summer.

Climate in Virginia

In winter the weather in Virginia is normally around 20 degrees.

In summer it is normally very hot and in summer lots of people go to the Virginia Beach.

In the sping, welcoming summer, the average climate is normally around 50 degrees.

A nice plate of oysters.

Food in Virginia

In Virginia most poeple injoy these foor types of foods: a platter of fresh cought crabs or deviled eggs and as a little snack, peanuts and oytsers.

Turkey at a turkey farm.

Resources in Virginia

In the state of Virginia, livestock such as cattle,turkey, and even chickens are a main resources of Virginia.

The Virginia Beach
Oyster farm

Two very cool places I think you should go to if you ever go to Virginia are an oyster farm or Virginia Beach if it is not too cold outside.

The cardinal is the Virginia's state bird.

There are to types of cardinals the Virginia Cardinals and the Virginia state bird cardinals.The state flower and tree of Virginia is the American Dog Wood. The state seal moto is sic seper trannis. The state nickname is mother of presidents because Geoge Washington and Woodrow Wison were born there and they were both presidents. The state seal:

A wooded area in Virginia.

Historical events in Virginia

Did you know that Jamestown was the first einglish settlement and that in 1619 slavery was introduced to the state of Virginia?



Created with images by jmctee - "Viginia Countryside" • Unsplash - "oysters delicacy food" • Will Kimeria - "turkey" • Sean MacEntee - "Beach" • eutrophication&hypoxia - "Arguenon Bay, France" • skeeze - "cardinal northern male" • skeeze - "pitcher baseball major league" • DonkeyHotey - "Paul Krugman - Caricature" • DonkeyHotey - "George Washington - Caricature" • ♡ dare to share beauty - "Meadowlark Gardens - HDR" • dbking - "Fort Monroe, Virginia"

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