Underwater Exploration -AK AIMAN 10E

Facts about oceans

What is the ocean made out of?
Oceans are mostly made out of salt (Sodium chloride)

What are some of the animals that live in the ocean?

Animals that live in the ocean include marine and mammals such as dolphins and whales and many kinds of marine fish.

What do we get from the ocean?

Oceans have some useful resources to humans, in fact it is some of the main sources that used in daily life, some of the resources found in the oceans that can be useful to humans are, Salt for cooking, Water for drinking, Fish (Food)

Why is the oceans salty but rivers aren't?

It is salty because it has a lot of salt in it! Salt is a mineral that is found in soil and rocks, too. Flowing water picks up some salt..

Can we drink sea water?

Water from the sea is too salty to drink. Although your body needs salt, it is possible to have too much of it.

What's the deepest ocean in the world?

The deepest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean, with an average depth of 13,215 feet. The greatest known depth of the Pacific Ocean is 36,198 feet, found in the Mariana Trench in the Mariana Islands.


Created with images by Unsplash - "underwater blue ocean" • cluczkow - "ocean" • whiterabbitart - "dolphins" • shankar s. - "Queen Angelfish" • laszlo-photo - "Gray Snappers on Santa Cruz Beach" • PublicDomainPictures - "animal blue creature" • skeeze - "longhorn cowfish reef fish horned boxfish"

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