Light Rail Austin Sam Nicastro, Jerry Grace, Will Dyck, Ava Curry

Problem: Austin currently has no fast form of transportation other than a bus.

The following image is a map of our proposed rail system.

Map of the Rail System (Drawn by Ava Curry)
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How much will the Rail System cost?

We believe the proposition for our Rail System will cost around 400-600 million dollars.

Around how long would it take to build?

With our proposition, the plan is to have the FULL Rail System completed by the year of 2040.

How many people would ride our Rail System?

We would receive around 34000 people

A light rail system is a rail system in which the equipment being used has a low weight. Examples include things like subways, elevated railways, most inner city electric railroads, etc.

The NYC Subway

The Chicago "L"

The Dallas Streetcar


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