Transcendentalism Haley griffith

Transcendentalism was an era where people who accept the ideas not as religious beliefs but as a way of understanding life relationships.

~ Took place from 1820 to 1860

~ A movement called for new ideas in culture, religion,philosophy, and literature.

~ also known as American Transcendentalism which emerged in New England in the middle of the 19th century

~ Reform movement in the Victorian Church

~ Transcendentalism was effected by the civil war mainly by Walt Whitman

~ The beliefs of Idealism, Pantheism, and Optimism were held strong in society.

~ At the end transcendentalism overlapped Romanticism

Walt Whitman during an interview

Walt Whitman was a transition writer in the late transcendentalism era. His popular works include Leaves of Grass and 'O Captian, My Captian

Ralph Waldo Emerson was also a well known author during this time period. Ralph used literary devices to communicate the theme and purpose of his speech. He's well known for Reliance, Nature, and The Conduct of Life.

In his book Nature there is a ton of irony.

"I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me." Emerson's religious background comes alive in this statement from Nature. He stresses the ever present spirituality that exists, revealing the insightful comment that humans are never really alone.

Emerson also had a great mind for personification in his writing Nature. "But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile." Emerson shoes here that stars are a vehicle with which humans can capture the true essence of nature.

Transcendentalism era still has an affect on today's society, especially in songs. Many famous musicians and artists has used some way or form of transcendentalism writing. Some of the artists include Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson, Kelly Clarkson, and Destiny Child.

There is even transcendentalism found in Disney songs! The song "Hakuna Matata" from Disneys The Lion King shows many examples of transcendentalism. "Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase. Hakuna Matata, ain't no passing craze! It means no worries for the rest of your days. It's our problem free philosophy. Hakuna Matata!" The song has a meaning that you should not worry and you should seize the day! You should also be yourself too!!


Created with images by dbking - "Walt Whitman" • marcelo noah - "Walt Whitman - em Camden, 1891" • Dennis Valente - "Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote" • vagueonthehow - "Kelly Clarkson"

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