A Long Way Gone Meg Edwards and Olivia Walter

A Long Way Gone

Meg Edwards and Olivia Walter

Sierra Leone is surrounded by Guinea, Liberia and the Atlantic Ocean.
America is coveting diamonds from Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone is a Republic. - exclusive president -multiparty democracy -unicameral parliament
The goal of the RuF was essentially to overthrow the government
The war in Sierra Leone started when the ruf wanted to overthrow the government. They began to use children to do Tyler "dirty work," Which includes killing prisoners and burying bodies.
Children are used for agricultural labor in India
Children in Brazil are used for Factory/industrial work
China and Afganistan used child soldiers
Groups trying to stop child labor include the un, the ilo, and ipec
More often than not the United Nations decides to release child soldiers
Ishmael beah is now 36 years old, living in New York. He went to oberlin liberal arts college, and wrote his story as a memoir.
Music helped beah and his friends get through tough times by simply being a distractio, because sometimes all you can do is distract.


Created with images by DFID - UK Department for International Development - "Yusuf Kabba - listening to the needs of Ebola survivors" • cygig - "diamond gem cubic zirconia" • US Army Africa - "Latimer joins USARAF as foreign policy advisor" • Unsplash - "tags dog tags war" • ArmyAmber - "girl afghani person alone" • hannibal1107 - "The United Nations and Environs" • Amigos3D - "k7 plastic magnetic tape"

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