Biogeochemical Cycles By: alex sealey

The Water Cycle moves our earth's water supply, in ways that help the earth function. The Oceans of the world hold about 96% of the Earth's water, so this is where we will start our water cycle. The first step in the water cycle is evaporation; which means when the water is heated from the sun it will turn into vapor and move into the atmosphere. Sublimation happens when a solid like ice turns to water vapor without melting first. Next is condensation; this is when the water vapor produced by evaporation condenses into many small water particles which then form clouds. After the clouds become too heavy with water particles, precipitation happens in the form of rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc. depending on the temperature. This water collects in streams, rivers, oceans, and land, which can absorbs into the ground or is considered run-off. The cycle can start again with transpiration, this happens when water is absorbed into plants and released through their leaves in the form of water vapor, again moving into the atmosphere.

The Carbon Cycle starts when carbon dioxide is entered into the atmosphere through respiration. Respiration is when humans and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is then absorbed by plants to make food through photosynthesis. Carbon then gets past through the food chain when consumers eat the plants. Then when the consumers die, decomposers eat the remains and the carbon dioxide is reabsorbed into the ground.

The Nitrogen Cycle is very important to animals and humans. Organisms require nitrogen to produce amino acids. Nitrogen fixing bacteria takes in atmospheric nitrogen and creates ammonia. Other forms of bacteria use the ammonia to form nitrates. The nitrates are used by plants to make amino acids, then make plant protein. Plants are then eaten by consumers, which helps the consumer make amino acids. Then decomposers convert the nitrogen found in different organisms and convert it back into ammonia. Some nitrogen particles go back into the atmosphere through denitrification.

The Phosphorus Cycle is a key component in life. It helps form DNA, a stepping stone for life. Phosphorus is a part of our world. It is found in water, living organisms, and even the earth's crust. Weathering of rocks releases phosphate into water and soil. Plants then take up the phosphate. Then animals consume the plants. When the consumer dies the phosphate is absorbed back into the soil. From there soil can end up in water or restart by being absorbed by plants.

Created By
Alexandra Sealey


Created with images by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - "Maria Frostic - Main Iceberg Lagoon"

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