Phil Knight Galy Pedroza

Early Years

He was born on February 24, 1938 in Portland Oregon. He went to the University of Oregon. November 2015 he was named the 15th richest person in the world and is Oregon's only Billionaire.


He is the founder and head of Nike the number one athletic shoe company in the world. Already a legend in the retail and marketing worlds,Knight has turned into something of a mainstream hero, the subject of admiring articles in popular magazines. It is a reputation Knight has earned over the years as both a visionary businessman and a hard-nosed CEO.

How has their innovation impacted you life.

I use a lot of Nike products in my every day life and his products help me become a better person/player (basketball wise)

  • "Phil Knight." Encyclopedia of World Biography., 2016. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.
  • "Phil Knight." Famous Birthdays. N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Nov. 2016

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