CMAC Fall uPdate

The CMAC has been busy this fall in and out of the classroom. Students are busy with writing, current events, humanities, physics, math, French, Spanish, preparing lunch, attending public lectures, participating in service in and around our community, and launching new CMAC businesses.

CMAC's Rock and Blues bands performed at the recent Circlefest in University Circle. The Music Settlement continues to be an important part of the CMAC community.
Creating experiments to test physics concepts in and out of the classroom. Collecting, organizing, and presenting data help CMAC students understand abstract concepts.
Spanish, this semester, is with 'Alu' our visiting MHS Peruvian student. She meets with CMAC as part of her CAS (Community, Arts, and Service) requirement for the IB program. She teaches customs, language, and culture each week.
CMAC and the Cleveland Metroparks work closely together developing place-based outdoor skill prorgrams. Wayfinding using a map and compass is one of the many programs from this fall.
CMAC in the MHS kitchen preparing their famous Apple Pies for the fall fundraising event.
Moving the final shelves and materials into the newly updated Friends House that is our classroom!
Celebrating the Autumn with the Cleveland Metroparks!
Preparing the apples: peeling, cooking, and adding spices.
The City Club

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