Psychopaths and Criminal Justice The Dangers That Are Being Released

Most people believe that they can spot a psychopath on sight...

in reality psychopaths look normal and can in fact act more charming than most law abiding citizens.

Because Psychopaths are charismatic they tend to get released early and tend to return to their previous life of crime.

Washington prisons need to implement psychological testing and treatment in order to protect Washington residents from psychopaths.

This is what most people think of when they think of a psychologist's office but for those who work in prisons they need much more support.

While Psychopaths are in these walls we have an opportunity to help them become better humans that we need to utilize more than we currently do in order to keep the Washington citizens safe.


Created with images by babawawa - "prison jail detention" • Cesar Vargas - "untitled image" • AGmakonts - "business people" • PublicDomainPictures - "woman coat girl" • Image Editor - "06 Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)" • Falkenpost - "prison cell slammer"

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