"Who was Ulysses S. Grant?" by Megan Stine November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"Ulysses went to school. The school was a one-room schoolhouse. Children of all ages were taught at the same time. (p. 15)

Based upon the context clues, "schoolhouse" means a place where kids go to learn.

"Ulysses was good at math, but the school didn't have any algebra books." (p. 15)

Based upon the context clues, "algebra" means a type of math.

"Ulysses loved the beautiful campus, but he didn't like the military life." (p. 21)

Based upon the context clues, "campus" means a school ground, or collage ground

"Ulysses named his farm hardscrabble. The word means hard work that doesn't give much in return for the effort."

Based upon the context clues, "hardscrabble" means hard work that doesn't give much in return for the effort

"The confederate soldiers ran away, but Ulysses's men celebrated too soon."

Based upon the context clues, "confederate" means legendary, or strong.

"Sherman's men reached Atlanta, they burned the whole city down. Than they burned down plantations as they marched toward the sea." (p. 71)

Based upon the context clues, "plantation" means huge farms.

"Ulysses went to parties in the homes of families who lived nearby .He also took up smoking cigars. (p. 32-103)

Based upon the context clues, "cigars" means the old, bigger, and more dangerous version of a cigarette.

"But Ulysses wrote a letter, that made him famous. In the letter, he said he would only accept one thing: "unconditional surrender." That meant the Southern army had to give up without any promises of going free." (p.59)

Based upon the context clues, "unconditional surrender" means giving up to an enemy without any fuss.

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Created with images by Dave Newman (newmanchu) - "Ulysses S. Grant Memorial" • waferboard - "old schoolhouse, back" • albastrica mititica - "Algebra" • tpsdave - "johns hopkins university gilman hall school" • hojaleaf - "IMG_3441" • w.marsh - "confederate" • charlesricardo - "harvest soybeans plantation" • sridgway - "Cigar Humidor" • dshah - "indian dance india traditional"

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